Saturday, March 16, 2013

My prized recipe, WW iced caramel macchiato (with almond milk- 3 pts+)

      I am quite proud of this recipe, if I do say so myself, and I do. Its technically a WW recipe I came up with after realizing that I love ICED caramel macchiatos, not so much the hot ones thought. The reason I'm so proud of it its because they actually taste like Starbucks. The secret is the unsweetened almond milk. Unsweetened almond milk is only 1 pt per cup, where as even skim milk, is 2 pts+ per cup.  I believe soy (while I prefer it in my iced drinks over all) is even higher- not to mention soy produces estrogen which can cause you to gain weight, and is actually linked to certain types of cancer.
     I really wish Starbucks would get almond milk, I would be able to justify spending a lot more money there if  I didn't have to spend so many calories. (I actually just joined a "bring almond milk to starbucks" facebook page lol) So anyway, I usually use less than a cup of milk, about 3/4, when I make my lattes, therefore, 0 pts for the milk. For to the caramel, I looked around on labels at the grocery store, all of the caramels are about the same, 3pts+ for 2tbs, add 2 shots of espresso and there you have it, a 3pt iced caramel macchiato. If you like yours a little weaker or a little more caramelly, you an up it to 1 cup of milk (1 pt) or add extra caramel (1pt per tbs) I know she doesn't look fancy but she tastes good. Gets an A in my book.

Friday, March 15, 2013

It's happening

     So as much as I am a self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur, some would disagree for a few reasons; a) I use flavored creamer b) I have not tried that many varieties or exotic coffees and c) I only drink one cup a day, but the latter of those is no longer true. It's finally happening. Maybe because daylight savings time started this week, or that fact that I started going back to the gym, but I am now requiring a second cup of coffee every day. Now I would probably drink coffee all day if, there was no calories in creamer, and it didn't dehydrate me or hurt my stomach, but those are unfortunate consequences. Over the past week or so, I notice myself having, needing, an espresso or coffee in the evening. My mom and my sister are already at that point, and have been for sometime. I think I have fought it so long for reasons listed above but having an amazing Nespresso machine makes it hard.... On a related note, I learned yesterday that what I thought was a 2pt cup of coffee, was really a 5-6pt cup of coffee. Booooo. I figured if one of those little tubs of creamer was 1 point, and I probably use about 2-3, and 3 is worth 2pts+ then I should be good, 2 pts. WRONG! Now, I have not really lost weight since the first week, inches, but not weight, hence why I went back to the gym this week. Its 1 pts+ per tablespoon of creamer, so I measure out how much I used until the coffee was to my liking, I was using about 5tbs of creamer- there for I was going over my points by at least 3 everyday. Not a fan! So I did some research, found that fat-free half and half was 0pts for up to 5tbs, score, and sugar free syrup was no points either, ok now were getting somewhere. This morning I measured my 5tbs of ff h&h and 1 tbs of syrup and then realized why it had no points. So on to plan B, mix regular flavored creamer, fat free or sugar free, which ever will be the lowest with ff h&h and hope for a better result, because the concoction I made today will not get me out of bed tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

First Watch is the shit

     Do you know who has the best breakfast blend ever??? First Watch Daytime Cafe, and there are a wopping 0 in Michigan. Boooo! My husband and I first discovered First Watch while on a weekend trip to Northern Kentucky, his best friend was living there at the time and he took us to one in Cincinnati.
     Through out my adult life I've gone through phases of drinking coffee, and not drinking coffee. The not drinking coffee phases are usually brief, for whatever reason I just don't feel like it for a while, and then I'll start back up again. When I entered the restaurant that day, it was during one of my non-coffee phases. I don't think I've had another one of those phases since, and I think I took home about 3 bags. First of all, they server their coffee in the waiting area, FOR FREE! At the time of my first visit, even the coffee at your table, during your meal was complimentary as well (since then, its now $1.99 all you can drink, still not bad) And they have Coffee Mate! I am not a fan of the typical breakfast-joint, sugar packets and half and half, as I feel sugar makes coffee taste bitter, so any place that has flavored creamer gets points in my book.
     There is something so rich and full flavored, almost nutty about this coffee (and I really enjoy a good nutty undertone to my coffee) The food at First Watch is equally delicious, really fresh and different. The use a lot of seasonal fruit and avocado I notice. Everything is good, especially the coffee. Bummer for me I can't even buy it online, they only sell it at the restaurants.... I'm mean I can't find this shit anywhere, I've checked Amazon, EBay, I looked for the companies website. I've emailed them about it a few times and they're so awesome they've even sent me a couple free bags. Just a good company all together. Unfortunately there's not even one in Toledo,  we'd drive an hour for First Watch and to stock up on coffee once in a while. Oh well, I have friends in Florida that can send me some, I guess for now I'll just have to settle for the CHEESECAKE FACTORY were finally getting this summer, 10 MINUTES FROM MY HOUSE!! The Sunrise Select Coffee is exclusively at First Watch Daytime Cafe (which serves breakfast and lunch) and receives a straight forward A. If you live in AZ, FL, GA, IN, KS, KY, MD, MO, OH,OK, PA,TN, VA, WV, or WI consider yourself lucky and check it out.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gooooooddd Morninnngg Vieeetnammmmmmm

      This morning I decided to be adventurous and try a Vietnamese iced coffee- or at least what I think was? While living in Houston, I became familiarized with a lot of Vietnamese customs- you wouldn't think of it if you've never lived there, but there are A LOT of Vietnamese people living in Houston. Half of the jobs I held there we in Salons owned by Vietnamese. I had heard some of them talk about it, and I know I love iced coffee and I enjoy Thai iced tea (I know, my reasoning is flawless)....
     So, a Vietnamese iced coffee is traditionally sweetened condensed milk, a very strong coffee and ice I used espresso because that's what I had. (Nespresso machines are the greatest thing ever for coffee lovers, the pods are expensive but worth it, you can pick a basic machine up for around a bill$) I also used fat-free condensed milk because of the whole WW thing- even though I cheated all weekend, were talking Hungry Howies and Dairy Queen cheated. Anyhow I think I probably should have asked one of my Vietnamese friends for the low-down before I made it, because it wasn't very good :( Normally it does require a special machine/kind of coffee but I have heard of recipes that say just "really strong coffee". It was ok, but didn't hold a candle to my WW iced caramel macchiato- post coming soon. Over all, I give "my Vietnamese iced coffee" a solid C.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Well, Well, Well

   So, I've never really had a blog, not sure if anyone even cares enough to read it. Currently being on Weight Watchers, I figure just like "those who can not do, teach", "those who can not eat, blog" In all fairness I have to give credit to WW, they really do have a great program. I ate 2 Krispy Kreams today, 2! What kind of diet lets you eat doughnuts?!? WW, that's who! Although, I did starve for a few hours to save up the points for those, but that's just how I roll. They were the ones you buy at Kroger, if you stick them in the microwave for about 10 seconds, they taste almost like the fresh ones. Anyway, wipe the drool from my starting weight was 197.2 (I weighed 180 at my wedding back in August) and prior to that I think I was up to 190. The smallest I've ever been was 160... when I was 16... thanks to ephedra. So, I type this today at 192. I lost 5.4lbs my first week and nothing else since then. Which was exactly 1 month ago. I am procrastinating going to the gym, even though, I know I may have to to if I want to loose more weight....
.... on a side note, I had Starbucks new Hazelnut Macchiato today (a grande non-fat iced Hazelnut Macchiato to be exact = 5 ww pts plus) It was good, I did enjoy the new hazelnut sauce. I have to say though, I think I prefer the regular Caramel Macchiato. I've recently taken a strong liking to Caramel Macchiatos, not sure why? Although, I've noticed I often have to ask for extra caramel, which totally throws off my WW points. And ice! They never put enough ice in. Back to their new drink, the sauce is a little more bitter than the caramel, and nutty, as one would expect  I give it a B, good but not my fav, I will probably try it hot next time, or just stick the original. I am glad iced coffee season is almost here, this makes me a very happy girl :)