Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Well, Well, Well

   So, I've never really had a blog, not sure if anyone even cares enough to read it. Currently being on Weight Watchers, I figure just like "those who can not do, teach", "those who can not eat, blog" In all fairness I have to give credit to WW, they really do have a great program. I ate 2 Krispy Kreams today, 2! What kind of diet lets you eat doughnuts?!? WW, that's who! Although, I did starve for a few hours to save up the points for those, but that's just how I roll. They were the ones you buy at Kroger, if you stick them in the microwave for about 10 seconds, they taste almost like the fresh ones. Anyway, wipe the drool from my starting weight was 197.2 (I weighed 180 at my wedding back in August) and prior to that I think I was up to 190. The smallest I've ever been was 160... when I was 16... thanks to ephedra. So, I type this today at 192. I lost 5.4lbs my first week and nothing else since then. Which was exactly 1 month ago. I am procrastinating going to the gym, even though, I know I may have to to if I want to loose more weight....
.... on a side note, I had Starbucks new Hazelnut Macchiato today (a grande non-fat iced Hazelnut Macchiato to be exact = 5 ww pts plus) It was good, I did enjoy the new hazelnut sauce. I have to say though, I think I prefer the regular Caramel Macchiato. I've recently taken a strong liking to Caramel Macchiatos, not sure why? Although, I've noticed I often have to ask for extra caramel, which totally throws off my WW points. And ice! They never put enough ice in. Back to their new drink, the sauce is a little more bitter than the caramel, and nutty, as one would expect  I give it a B, good but not my fav, I will probably try it hot next time, or just stick the original. I am glad iced coffee season is almost here, this makes me a very happy girl :)

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