Friday, March 15, 2013

It's happening

     So as much as I am a self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur, some would disagree for a few reasons; a) I use flavored creamer b) I have not tried that many varieties or exotic coffees and c) I only drink one cup a day, but the latter of those is no longer true. It's finally happening. Maybe because daylight savings time started this week, or that fact that I started going back to the gym, but I am now requiring a second cup of coffee every day. Now I would probably drink coffee all day if, there was no calories in creamer, and it didn't dehydrate me or hurt my stomach, but those are unfortunate consequences. Over the past week or so, I notice myself having, needing, an espresso or coffee in the evening. My mom and my sister are already at that point, and have been for sometime. I think I have fought it so long for reasons listed above but having an amazing Nespresso machine makes it hard.... On a related note, I learned yesterday that what I thought was a 2pt cup of coffee, was really a 5-6pt cup of coffee. Booooo. I figured if one of those little tubs of creamer was 1 point, and I probably use about 2-3, and 3 is worth 2pts+ then I should be good, 2 pts. WRONG! Now, I have not really lost weight since the first week, inches, but not weight, hence why I went back to the gym this week. Its 1 pts+ per tablespoon of creamer, so I measure out how much I used until the coffee was to my liking, I was using about 5tbs of creamer- there for I was going over my points by at least 3 everyday. Not a fan! So I did some research, found that fat-free half and half was 0pts for up to 5tbs, score, and sugar free syrup was no points either, ok now were getting somewhere. This morning I measured my 5tbs of ff h&h and 1 tbs of syrup and then realized why it had no points. So on to plan B, mix regular flavored creamer, fat free or sugar free, which ever will be the lowest with ff h&h and hope for a better result, because the concoction I made today will not get me out of bed tomorrow.

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