Saturday, March 16, 2013

My prized recipe, WW iced caramel macchiato (with almond milk- 3 pts+)

      I am quite proud of this recipe, if I do say so myself, and I do. Its technically a WW recipe I came up with after realizing that I love ICED caramel macchiatos, not so much the hot ones thought. The reason I'm so proud of it its because they actually taste like Starbucks. The secret is the unsweetened almond milk. Unsweetened almond milk is only 1 pt per cup, where as even skim milk, is 2 pts+ per cup.  I believe soy (while I prefer it in my iced drinks over all) is even higher- not to mention soy produces estrogen which can cause you to gain weight, and is actually linked to certain types of cancer.
     I really wish Starbucks would get almond milk, I would be able to justify spending a lot more money there if  I didn't have to spend so many calories. (I actually just joined a "bring almond milk to starbucks" facebook page lol) So anyway, I usually use less than a cup of milk, about 3/4, when I make my lattes, therefore, 0 pts for the milk. For to the caramel, I looked around on labels at the grocery store, all of the caramels are about the same, 3pts+ for 2tbs, add 2 shots of espresso and there you have it, a 3pt iced caramel macchiato. If you like yours a little weaker or a little more caramelly, you an up it to 1 cup of milk (1 pt) or add extra caramel (1pt per tbs) I know she doesn't look fancy but she tastes good. Gets an A in my book.

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